No Matches
JSON Lines Support

JSON Lines is in the form of an iterator daw::json::json_lines_iterator and a range daw::json::json_lines_range like object. They allow iteration over each lines in the JSON Lines file.

Parsing JSON Lines

A working example can be seen at json_lines_test.cpp

"a": 1,
"b": false
"a": 2,
"b": true

The code to iterate over these elements can look like

struct Element {
int a;
bool b;
namespace daw::json {
struct json_data_contract<Element> {
static constexpr char const a[] = "a";
static constexpr char const b[] = "b";
using type = json_member_list<json_link<a, int>, json_link<b, bool>>;
} // namespace daw::json
int main( ) {
auto jl_range = daw::json::json_lines_range<Element>( json_lines_doc );
for( Element e : jl_range ) {
std::cout << e.a << ", " << e.b << '\n';
Customization point traits.
A range of json_lines_iterators.

Serializing to JSON Lines

Staring with the Element type in the previous example, one can output to a JSON Line document as follows.

std::vector<Element> elements = get_element_vector( );
auto result = std::string( );
for( auto const & e : elements ) {
daw::json::to_json( e, result );
result += '\n';
std::string to_json(Value const &value, options::output_flags_t< PolicyFlags... > flgs)
Definition daw_to_json.h:77